Sunday, December 16, 2012

Livestreaming Mega Man Marathon Is a GO!!!

The livestreaming Mega Man 25th Anniversary Marathon is ON!!! The all-day gaming madness will start at (or a little after) 5 AM Pacific / 8 AM Eastern / 1 PM UK on Monday, December 17.
Contrary to what was previously reported, the livestream will be viewable on my friend (alias DashJump)'s Twitch TV channel—he's the technical maestro who actually knows what he's doing:

I (AKA Flashman85, AKA GeminiLaser) will be playing through Mega Man 1-10 with DashJump, and my wife (codename Z-Saber) may be flitting in and out. By the time we're done, we'll have no idea what our real names are anymore.
If my 2010 Mega Man marathon was any indication, this whole endeavor should take 15+ hours, meaning you can expect us to finish at the earliest by 8 PM Pacific / 11 PM Eastern / 4 AM UK—it all depends on how many Game Overs and horrendous technological setbacks we suffer. If we're making fabulous time and finish Mega Man 8 before 8 PM Eastern, we might test the limits of our sanity and throw Mega Man & Bass into the mix. (Note: This will be a terrible idea.)
If you miss any part of the marathon, fear not! I'll follow up in a day or so with a link to where you can watch the whole thing, recorded, at your leisure. Hope you can join us!

1 comment:

  1. I mistook this "DashJump" fellow's voice for your own. I must say it is quite good, as it must be to be mistaken as yours.

    I mean all that in the least creepy way possible. See you all tommorow and have a happy Mega Manniversary!
