Friday, August 31, 2012

Month in Review: August 2012

With one blogger having all but completely disappeared, and the other one writing just enough to reassure our readers that the name of the blog hadn't changed to "Abandoning Your Horizons," there's not much to see from August, at least in terms of quantity. In terms of quality...well, that's always open to debate. Most of these posts fall into the "nice, but nonessential" category, but there's two in particular--a birthday celebration and a rare political discussion--that we feel should not be missed.

Here's what August 2012 looked like:

- Sunday Spotlight on geek musician Jonathan Coulton and a trio of Netflix recommendations

- A reassurance to our readers that we're still here

- The announcement of Exfanding's official YouTube channel, which is mostly just for video game music

- An open letter to the American public regarding the upcoming and contentious Presidential election

- A double dose of Dungeons & Dragons, with a dash of video games

- A celebration of Exfanding's fourth birthday, with a cameo by someone who we swear is actually Alex, Exfanding's MIA co-blogger, and not just Nathaniel pretending to be Alex

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