Lessee what’s on tap for today...
There’s Rachel Rising, issue 7, by the incredibly talented Terry Moore, and the latest issue of Vertigo’s excellent Hellblazer series (issue 290). Hmmm...what else? We’ve got issue number 8 of DC’s very best comic book of the past year, Batman, written by Scott Snyder and with art by Greg Capullo.
Marvel has another big week as Avengers vs. X-Men, issue 2, hits stands today. This is a make-or-break issue for me, as I really wasn’t all that thrilled with the first issue.
But for my part, I’d rather talk about a book that came out last week. That’s just how I roll.
Last week, Oni Press released the first volume in their new hardcover collections of Ted Naifeh's Courtney Crumrin series, which is celebrating its ten-year anniversary. I, however, had never read any of the books in the series until last night, when my order arrived from Amazon.

The book is wonderful--great, crisp, smart writing and perfectly cute, creepy illustrations. At times a biting satire of societal tendencies and at times a really good, scary story, Crumrin brilliantly delivers a post-modern fairy tale with characters who are both real and over the top.
Here's the solicitation information from the publisher:
Fan-favorite and critical darling Courtney Crurmin is back in a series of newly remastered, full-color hardcover editions! Courtney's parents have dragged her out to a high-to-do suburb to live with her creepy Great Uncle Aloysius in his spooky old house. She''s not only the new kid in school, but also discovers strange things lurking under her bed!
If you have the chance, be sure to try this book out. And be sure to catch the new ongoing, which started last week.
Okay, time to go. Before I do, though, what are you Waiting for?
Whoa, this place looks waaaaaaaaaaaaay different on an iPhone. It's all... black and whitey. WHERE ARE MY YELLOW AND BLUE COMPLIMENTS!
In more relevant news, that comic cover is very purple.
Also, it's Superman's birthday today! Or rather, it's Action Comics #1's birthday today. It's supposed to be the first "true" superhero comic book, according to Wikipedia. I know that Wikipedia isn't exactly the most reliable website in the world, but quite a lot of it is pretty accurate.
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