Thursday, January 12, 2012

Background Check

Yesterday, this is what my computer's desktop background looked like:

Today, after leaving my wife alone with Microsoft Paint for a while, this is what my computer's desktop background looks like:

Click to enlarge. Can you spot the difference?


  1. I think the better question is:

    Cat you spot the difference?

    Yeah I got nothing.

  2. "Captain, I believe Spot has escaped from my quarters again." -- Lieutenant Commander Data.

  3. I just realized I made a faux pas. Ignore the fact that this is the wrong Enterprise. :D

  4. JoeReviewer: Well, I laughed. :)

    APN: Hah! There was an implied pun with "Can you spot the difference?", so I'm glad you followed through on it. :)

    Also, dunno if you saw, but I finally responded to an ancient comment of yours on a post called "Collector's Mentality"...

  5. Oh, I didn't see! I'll go back and check it out. And of course, you have to make the Spot pun. :D

  6. Anonymous1/16/2012

    APN: I believe you meant "faux paws"

    - Neko-chan

  7. Touche, Neko-chan. Considering my penchant for puns, I can't believe I missed that one. :D

  8. @APN Apparently also an affinity about alliteration.
