Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Waiting for Wednesday, Volume 3, Issue 50

I...don't have much to write about today.

Looking over the old shipping list, I realized that there's not too much on the stands that I'll be buying. Sure, there's some good product coming out--like the latest issues of Locke & Key, Buffy, and American Vampire--but I've written about those titles many times in the past on Waiting for Wednesday.

If you're not reading them by now, I don't think my (uncanny) skills of persuasion will ever get you there.

But they're good--trust me--and definitely worth your attention.

So the question becomes--what do I write about today? Let's see...hmmm. Well, ya know what? Since we're in a very Gifts for Geeks mood this week, and since we're just under two weeks before the holidays, let's talk turkey.

And, by turkey, I mean, gift-giving. More specifically, though, the actual buying of said gifts.

As usual, things are quite busy at work, which means that there's not a whole lot of spare time in my schedule. Still, I've managed to get the bulk of my holiday shopping done.

Sure, there are a few gifts that remain, but they're the most persnickety on my list, so I imagine it'll be sometime next week before I can cross them all off.

It sounds bad when I put it like that, doesn't it? Crossing them off a list, as if it's just something else to be done with. But I guess that's what a lot of people feel like at the holidays.

As one's group of friends and family grows, so too do the amount of gifts you'll need to buy and the amount of time you'll need to carve out for lunches, dinners, and general get-togethers.

All of which is great, mind you, but it does seem like we tend to pack a whole lot more on our plates than we can Sorry, I'm mixing turkey metaphors again.

But I think my point is clear.

Normally, I'm a bit of a curmudgeon when it comes to going out during the week (I get up too darned early!), but December is certainly the exception.

Just this month, I've been to two holiday parties (one on each weekend), and I have my office party tomorrow, followed by a late dinner get-together with friends I haven't seen in far too long.

I have lunches lined up, literally, until the day before Christmas Eve, and I already have plans to meet up with at least four different friends/groups of friends in that week between Christmas and New Year's.

Oh. And there's that issue of those few remaining, persnickety gifts to buy. Maybe I'll head out today at lunchti--oh, wait.

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