Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Good Day

Excuse us for a momentary lapse in geeky posting, for you see today is a different kind of day. A Good Day. A Happy Day.

A Wedding Day.

Today one of your two favorite Exfanders [Editor's Hint: it's not Alex] ties the knot and embarks upon a whole new life with his perfect match.

They are happy. They will continue to be happy.

And to them I wish All Good Things,



  1. I'd like to say something very consiterate and inspired, but I'm not good at that sort of thing, so I'll just send my support.

    I wish them many happy decades of happy decadeness.

  2. D'aaaw...

    Anyway, you've got my support. :)

  3. Excellent picture choice, Alex, and thank you. :)

    And thank you to you other well-wishers! :D
