There's something deeply satisfying about making a batch of Kool-Aid and having it turn out perfectly. For me, perfectly means a perfect balance of flavor, sweetness, and texture--none of that watered-down Bug Juice stuff. True Kool-Aid is a beverage fit for popcorn and dipping slices of white bread.
Yes, I'm still a little kid.
It's not just Kool-Aid, though Kool-Aid requires much less effort. Last week I made ham and cheddar chowder from a recipe my grandfather gave me, and while it took me two hours to assemble and finalize, the end result was rather scrumptious (do people use that word anymore?). I don't do that much "real" cooking these days, largely because of the amount of time it requires, so it was a real joy to make time to prepare actual, not-out-of-a-box-or-can food...and have leftovers that I could freeze and stretch out for days to come.
I am a person with a need to create, and I enjoyed being able to construct a dinner from the building blocks of ham, celery, water, cheese, potatoes, and their ilk. I mean, uh, and milk. I wasn't just feeding myself; I was crafting a meal.
So, with a perfect batch of Kool-Aid in the pitcher and a sumptuous (that's more normal than "scrumptious," right?) bowl of cheddar ham chowder in store for dinner, I'm pretty darn satisfied right now.
That ham and cheddar soup actually sounds really, REALLY good.