Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Month in Review: May 2011

Depth, variety, and a few surprises characterized our writing in the month of May, and I think we're both very pleased with how everything turned out. There were reviews, reflections, and ramblings, as well as our first guest post in quite a while.

Collected here for your convenience are all our posts from May 2011:

- A recap of my contributions to videogame humor website GameCola in April 2011

- A brief post that reads more like a journal entry about constantly being on the defensive

- Alex's weekly (and cathartic) comics news/discussion/nonsense column, Volume 3, Issues 18-21, covering Moon Knight, reverse commuting, The Rocketeer, and The Tattered Man, respectively.

- Thoughts about the much-ballyhooed Action Comics #900

- Thoughts about the results of the Smithsonian's Art of Video Games exhibition contest

- A celebration of Free Comic Book Day 2011, and regrets from afterward

- A story about hearing a discussion of comic books on the radio

- A review of Moon Knight, Volume 1, starring one of Marvel's most underappreciated heroes

- A comparison of Portal and Portal 2, which offers a dose of objectivity to put the hype of the sequel into perspective

- A teaser for a real post after Blogger came back from maintenance downtime

- A review of the highly recommended slice-of-life comic Local

- Original artwork that makes Death look really good

- A guest post relating some cultural and comedic experiences at the Sakura Matsuri Cherry Blossom Festival

- Our Geek Wish List, detailing some of the most earnest and outlandish hopes we two fanboys can muster

- A reflection on Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, and why RPGs are suddenly appealing again

- An almost-review of The Cartoonist: Jeff Smith, BONE, and the Changing Face of Comics

- A list of all the things Alex just isn't going to be able to do

- A reflection on what you leave behind

- A review of Marvel's Thor movie

- Musings about Kool-Aid

- Thoughts about becoming slightly more than a minor Internet celebrity

- A recap of Book Expo 2011, a convention that turned out much happier than the previous year's

- Music reminding you that you gotta have more cowbell

- A reflection on being a retro gamer, part one

- A celebration of Memorial Day 2011

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