Friday, April 1, 2011

Month in Review: March 2011

March was admittedly not our happiest month ever, at least in terms of the topics we discussed. The month started off positively enough, winding down from a reviewing kick we'd been on since the end of February, but it wasn't long before reports of copyright infringement, business turmoil, and a lawsuit began to darken our doorstep, and adding insult to injury, I spent three whole days ragging on the happiest part of some gamers' childhoods.

If nothing else, we were reminded that Alex at least has a handle on current events, while most of my posts in March indicate that I'm hopelessly stuck in the past. Enjoy.

- A review of the interview-driven comics documentary Independents: A Guide for the Creative Spirit

- Alex's weekly stream-of-consciousness comics review feature, Waiting for Wednesday, Volume 3, Issues 9-13, featuring (among other things) Carbon Grey, Skullkickers, Twilight Guardian, Death of Spider-Man, and Godzilla: King of Monsters

- A review of the full-length animated adaptation of All Star Superman

- A review reviewing our reviews

- Alex's ruminations on baseball and the lessons learned from it

- A reflection on writing to the audience

- A celebration of vintage breakfast cereals

- A request for webcomic suggestions, which actually went over very well

- Observations and reactions regarding a Borders store in its final days

- A report about the Jack Kirby lawsuit over Marvel Comics' biggest characters

- Reflections on being a coffee shop novelist

- The vague mention, foundation, development, and conclusion of an argument challenging the notion that Mega Man 2 is the greatest Mega Man game ever

- A distressing report that a Blog Thief had been stealing our posts

- A distressing report on the ever-worsening state of Borders bookstores

- Talk about a few conventions we won't be attending

- Proof that I have officially become a minor Internet celebrity

- Something about Star Wars, snow, and a sick day

- A discussion about the joys and perils of collecting original comics art, with lots of nice pictures

- Possibly the worst filler post I've never written

- Sad news about the fate of one of the best local comics shops we've ever visited

- Reviews of some unabashedly generic music from two decades ago

- A review/plug for the pop-culture savvy Li'l Depressed Boy comic series

- A link to a review of the 2009 Star Trek minute at a time

- A celebration of the start of baseball season

- And in honor of an April Fools prank of days gone by, a video of Rick Astley singing "Never Gonna Give You Up"

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