Yes. I know. I'm weird.
I'm also pretty stoked about the comics that are shipping this week, but the new release that's got me most excited actually happened yesterday, as the second book in Patrick Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicles, The Wise Man's Fear, hit stands.

And I couldn't be happier.
The first book in the series, The Name of the Wind (which I've talked about here, here, and here), is one of my favorite reads of the past decade or so, and since picking up my copy just about a year ago, I've anxiously awaited the second part of the story.
And now, finally, it's arrived, and I can't wait to crack it open this weekend.
Before that, though, there are plenty of new comics to buy, so let's get right into this week's haul. First up, from Image, is issue one of a new series called, Carbon Grey.

So I plan on giving Carbon Grey that same chance. Here's the blurb from Image:
To a noble family twins are born: Mathilde and Giselle, the Sisters Grey. For generations the Sisters have protected and counseled the Kaiser, ruler of Mitteleuropa.
But this is a different time. At the birth of the industrial age a great war is raging. When the Kaiser is assassinated, Giselle is accused. Pursued by her sisters and hunted by the enemy, Giselle must unravel the prophecy of the Carbon Grey before history itself is rewritten.
Sounds cool. The art looks cool. I'm gonna give it a shot. Next up, we have the second big Image release, Herculian, issue one, from writer/artist/publisher Erik Larsen.

Erik Larsen's stunning 24-hour comic in full color!
Artist ERIK LARSEN unleashed! All of Erik's odd but entertaining Popgun strips are collected, along with his 24-hour comic "Guy Talk," in this handsome volume! Herculian! Punchin' Judy! Bacon Mummy! Mickey Maus! Reggie the Veggie! Cheeseburger-Head! Lotta Malarky! It's pretty much everything you love about comics all in one affordable 48-page bundle of awesomeness! Not to be missed!
It's another book I'm looking forward to trying out. And, finally today, we have Takio, a major all-ages release from Marvel, written by Brian Bendis and illustrated by frequent collaborator Mike Oeming.
This book was announced last year at New York Comic Con, and there's been plenty of buzz surrounding the title. Bendis and Oeming have, obviously, enjoyed big-time success with Powers, their other creator-owned endeavor, and from some early reviews, it appears that Takio will be as highly regarded.

The Story: Created by Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming and Olivia Bendis. Takio is the first all ages graphic novel series from Marvel’s Icon imprint and the first new creator owned book by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming since their award-winning, long-running Powers.
Takio tells the story of two sisters in a multiracial, adoptive family who are driving each other insane!!! Their overprotective mother makes them walk to school together, eat lunch together, and play together. They can’t get away from each other!!
But when a one-of-a-kind, once-in-a-lifetime accident gives them real-life superpowers, these two sisters become the first actual superheroes in the entire world. And it is awesome!!
Now the sisters have to learn to get along so they can save the world and get home by six...or they are so grounded. This fast-talking, whip smart new graphic novel series will thrill fans of Bendis’ Ultimate Spider-Man!
Don't know about you, but this week is shaping up to be pretty expensive for me. I should get back to work, to earn those dollars, then. But before I do...what are you Waiting for?
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Oh, and also. From The Daily What:

I finished Wise Man's Fear the other day. It was a good book, but it felt like it had been polished way, way too long. It didn't have much of the emotional drive or fire that really characterized Name of the Wind. It's too bad, because that fire is what made Name of the Wind such an excellent book for me.
Ugh, that's not what I want to hear.
I know there were countless rewrites on Wise Man's Fear--Rothfuss' blog details the process over the past couple of years...
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