Monday, October 11, 2010

NYCC 2010 Announcements and Things

So the big New York Comic Con weekend is over, and everyone here at Exfanding got home, safe and sound (and tired). As promised, we'll post our Official Exfanding Recap of the 2010 NYCC tomorrow, but I figured I'd mention a few of the announcements that caught my interest from the show.

Now, as you'll read all about tomorrow, there was no time to actually go to any panels, or hear any of the announcements as they were announced, so all information for this post was gleamed from trolling the Internets.

And, since I'm running incredibly late with everything this morning, here are the four things I found most interesting:

--In big mainstream news, DC writer Geoff Johns announced that the first trailer for the 2011 Green Lantern film will premiere with the November-releasing (and ridiculously long-titled) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1.
--In weird, random news, actor/comedian Danny McBride will be writing a comic book! The Eastbound and Down star will take on the writing duties for the prequel to his upcoming sword and sorcery film, Your Highness. The comic will be released by Dark Horse in March.

--When Disney bought Marvel, many people speculated on the return of Disney-owned CrossGen Comics, and now it seems like we're close to this being a reality. At the show, Marvel released two teaser images of upcoming CrossGen Universe titles, including what appeared to be a cover for Ruse, a popular CrossGen title.

Marvel said that Mark Waid (writer/co-creator of Ruse) will be involved. The following mystery image was also released during Marvel's panel, which makes me think there will be new titles coming in the near future.

--Powers creators Brian Bendis and Mike Oeming are teaming up again--this time to work on an all-ages book called Takio, which will focus on a pair of super-powered siblings. Bendis and "all-ages" are two things that don't usually go together, so it'll be a lot of fun seeing what he has cooking for this book.Like I said, I'm in a big rush at the moment, but there were obviously hundreds of announcements this weekend. Lots and lots of digital comics news, as more publishers started to unveil their plans for the digital future of the industry. Also, rumor has it that there were some 70,000 people at the show. Which is a record for the con.

Anyway, we'll have a ton more on the con tomorrow (and plenty on the number of people there, I'm sure), so be sure to check back when you have some time for reading.

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