As evidence of such, I wore a long sleeve shirt to work today.
What the heck is happening?! Time is flying, life things are changing. But Exfanding rolls on. Tomorrow, believe it or not, is the Second Anniversary of this humble little blog.
Two years of blogging. Two years of Waiting for Wednesdays. Two years of allowing Nathaniel to show me space-related films and television shows. How in the world have I survived all this?
Seriously, since the blog started, I went from just coming off a promotion at a little nothing of a publishing house, to getting a pay cut, to being laid off, to being utterly and hopelessly unemployed, to being hired by an amazing publisher.
It’s been an interesting ride, and we’ll have more on the anniversary tomorrow in a completely self-serving (and self-congratulating) post about how amazing we are. So be sure to stop by for that.
But for today, let’s talk comics. And, more specifically, let’s talk about which new comics will be shipping today to your LCS. Looks like it’s a bit of a heavy week, but in my continuing effort to cut down on buying single issues, I’ve managed to narrow my top choices down to just two books.
First up, from the always interesting BOOM! Studios, is a new series called Dracula: Company of Monsters. Written by comics industry veteran Kurt Busiek, this book sounds like it could be quite a bit of fun.

He's back from the dead and starring in a new ongoing horror series from the mind of Kurt Busiek.
A powerful, predatory corporation acquires a valuable asset - Dracula! They think they own him, but no one can own the Son of the Dragon. There's a monster in their midst that puts Hannibal Lecter to shame - and he plans to gain his freedom in blood. It's bloodsuckers vs. bloodsucker, as Busiek brings an incredibly modern spin to the Dracula mythos.
Joining Busiek is award-winning author Daryl Gregrory (Pandemonium) and rising star artist Scott Godlewski (Codebreakers). The epic journey starts here, so don't miss the debut issue of Dracula: The Company Of Monsters, the next breakout ongoing series from BOOM! Studios! Featuring covers by Ron Salas and fan-favorite The Nocturnals artist Dan Brereton.
And if you're on the fence about this one, check out a free preview, right here.
Seems like a cool little spin on the Dracula mythos, and I'm definitely willing to give issue one a shot. BOOM! is very hit-or-miss with me--Mark Waid's Irredeemable series, for example, started like a shot out of the gate but slowly faded into a title that I no longer read.
With comics being the price they are these days, it's tough to jump on board an all new series. If I dig issue one, I'll likely trade-wait the rest of the series.
Speaking of the price of comics...
Continuing their fantastic 1 for $1 promotion, Dark Horse today releases the $1 reprint of The Goon, issue one!

Here's the blurb from the Horse:
Go back to the beginning with Dark Horse’s 1 for $1 comics!
Get in on the ground floor of twelve featured titles from our popular comics pantheon. See what started it all in these first-issue classics from Dark Horse Comics.
The Goon is a hilarious blend of pulpy horror and slapstick comedy following the ongoing misadventures of the man they call the Goon and his spastic sidekick Franky as they battle the legions of the undead!
Give this book a try. Really. It's got great art, great characters, a great premise, and great gags--everything anyone could want in a comic book! And it's a buck!! Did I mention that?!
I did?
Well, it bears repeating! Go. Buy. Get caught up before the movie comes out!
*pant* *pant* *pant*
I'm exhausted. We'll be back tomorrow with our Two Year Anniversary post thing. But before that--what are you Waiting for?
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