And with all the talk lately about digital comics, it'll be good to get back to old fashioned paper for a while and talk about real, live books.
And not their digital doppelgangers.
Just as last week was hectic and only a little crazy, this week is full blown with the crazy, so no lengthy preamble from me today. And there aren't a whole lot of books that I want to talk about today.
I mean, sure, there are some major books coming out this week, but I feel like that's all the more reason to focus on some smaller titles. I think everyone heading to the stores today is well aware of Marvel's re-launch of their hugely popular New Avengers series by Brian Bendis and Stuart Immonen.

I really enjoyed his previous New Avengers series, and since I started reading comics not too long before he took over the Avengers titles, Bendis' version of the team is the one I'm most familiar with.
And, yeah, so I'm not a huge fan of relaunches, but hey. It's comics, and that's just part of the game. From what I’ve read of the post-Siege books, Marvel is going in some new and interesting directions and certainly Bendis is a main player in the shaping of the universe.
Like all of Bendis’ books, though, there will be people who love New Avengers, and there’ll be people who will be very vocal about not loving it.
I think that, especially on a book like the Avengers, fans tend to gravitate towards a very specific lineup and time period, if not necessarily a specific creative team. With Batman, for instance, many fans have one, “true” version of that character that resonates with them.
For some it’s Frank Miller’s Dark Knight, for others it’s the Jeph Loeb/Jim Lee Hush storyline, and for others it’s the classic Denny O’Neil and Neal Adams run on the character that embodies who Batman is/should be.
With the Avengers, while there have been great creators on the title, I honestly believe people read the book because of the team, and if the team isn’t just the way they’d like it, they might be less likely to pick the book up.
Anyway, for me, Bendis is The Guy on the Avengers, and I’ll happily follow this series wherever it goes. Here's the solicit information from Marvel:
The Story: Find out who the New Avengers are, where they call home (gotta see it to believe it!), which Dark Avenger has joined their ranks, and just who the interdimensional demonic threat to our existence is!
These heroes have gathered to take on the threats too dark, too dangerous, and too bizarre for any other team of heroes. The New Avengers are back!! And Bendis & Immonen are back with the Siege & Secret Invasion colorista Laura Martin!! You didn't really think Marvel was going to cancel their number one ongoing title did you? Heck no!!
Backup feature: Another brand new oral history of the Avengers chapter by Bendis!
Right. So, now that I "didn't" talk about the week's biggest release, let's get to some of today's lesser-publicized books. We'll start with issue three of the Wildstorm sleeper hit, DV8: Gods and Monsters, from the fantastic creative team of Brian Wood and Rebekah Isaacs.

Here's the blurb from Wildstorm/DC:
In "Chemical Chords" part 3 of 8, the superhuman Hector (a.k.a. Powerhaus) is found sprawled across the floor of a primitive hut in the throes of some pretty serious herbal hallucinogens.
It's not shocking, though, as his power is one that converts ambient emotion into mass – but now it's overloading his system! When the others seek him out, they find that Hector's got some serious demons he's trying to block out in this tragic tale of misuse – and overuse – of power.
This is--finally--a mature (as in, "grown-up" and not "dirty"), intelligent book about people with powers. Wood is one of comics' best writers, and his talent shines in this series.
And, finally, since I really need to get going, we have The Goon: Fancy Pants Edition, Volume 3 from Dark Horse.

The production value is second-to-none with these books, and having Eric Powell's art at a larger size and on premium paper is worth the $35 price tag alone. Throw in the fact that these babies are super-limited and signed by the creator...and, yeah, you have Alex's money.
Volume One now goes for stupid money if you can find on online, and I was lucky enough to grab a copy on the day of its release. I have Volume Two, as well, so there's really no way I won't be getting this today.
Here's the blurb from Dark Horse:
The town on the edge of Horse-Eater's Wood is permeated by all manner of dark things -- hatred, fear, unhappiness, demons, and the undead (to name a few) -- brought on by a curse that has festered within the forest for many years.
The death of one of the Goon's closest allies is revealed as the work of the dead mobster Labrazio, returned to wreak havoc and destruction upon the Goon and those who stand by him. The Goon and Franky must fight back against Labrazio's undead hordes in this touching story of demonic kitties, zombie burlesque, and animal love (there's a sentence you never thought you'd read).
* Copies of The Goon: Fancy Pants Vol. 3 hardcover will be printed to initial orders and are exclusive to the direct market.
* This edition also includes an exclusive Eric Powell illustration, individually signed by Powell!
* Collects The Goon #20-#31.
* Perfect jumping-on point for new readers.
* Look for an all-new spin off series coming soon!
And with that, I so need to run. Before I go, though--what are you Waiting for?
Too many books.
That's my major complaint. Both companies have pulled out a slew of new books, both limited and normal series, and it's starting to wear on me as a reader. I can't really deal with that many series, nor do I want to, even if they're good. The older series are starting to lose their touch; for example, the new X-Men storyline should be really interesting, but it's not. Thor's epilogue to Seige should have been interesting, but it was just an extended fight that did nothing but say "Hey, read the next issue for the REAL story!"
DC is suffering from the same problem, honestly. It feels like a lot of writers, especially those in crisis-related books, are feeling the fatigue and I think it shows up on paper. If anything, both companies need a "crisis" that wipes out a lot of the books and allows them to cut back a bit.
On a completely unrelated note, I saw this article and it made ME excited about Strasburger, and I've never seen him. Just seeing the magical "100" makes me think of the excitement of watching Nolan Ryan in the early 90s... I guess that shows how old my baseball knowledge is though.
Wolverine has a super-appropriate line in New Avengers.
Wolverine: Hey, I'm an X-Man and on TWO Avengers teams.
Woman: Yeah, how the hell do you do that?
Wolverine: Multitasking. It's my mutant power. Don't tell anybody.
He really is everywhere at once and it bothers me.
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