Monday, May 3, 2010

Month in Review: April 2010

We did a lot of writing in April, and in a stunning change of pace, a vast majority of our posts concerned recent events. Though we're now officially behind on introducing new fandoms, we told a lot of stories and had coverage of a few topics that don't often get that much air time (or screen time, as it were). While I spent almost the entire month talking about Mega Man and the PAX East gaming convention, Alex kept things fresh with consistently funny and thought-provoking posts on a variety of subjects.

Get comfortable; there's a lot to read:

- An April Fool's post about the iPad, which is neither particularly foolsy or padsy, plus another semi-filler post about the iPad

- My detailed recap of the 2010 PAX East gaming convention, parts one, two, three, four, five, and a lost chapter

- A recap of my contributions to in March 2010

- Musings about Opening Day of baseball*

- Alex's comics news and random discussion forum, Waiting for Wednesday, Volume 2, Issues Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, and Seventeen

- Personal reflections on baseball--how things are, and how things used to be

- A random link post about My Book, The Movie

- The day where Alex and I both dropped the ball on posting and had to call for reinforcements

- The story of Alex's weekend trip to a convention he didn't attend

- A celebration of this blog reaching 20,000 hits

- An announcement that my video run of Mega Man 5 (NES) is complete

- Alex's story of reading the most comics he's ever read in a day

- My thoughts on the DVD release of the overhyped movie Avatar

- A teaser for the fun weekend shenanigans Alex and I had planned

- A quick link to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog... as an 8-bit video game

- Alex on Joss Whedon on the Avengers. It's a post, not a deli sandwich.

- A rant concerning judging a jerk by his collar... I mean, uh, book by its cover.

- My review of Mega Man 10's downloadable content

- A stupid story about fast food joints Sonic and White Castle

* Guest Post!

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