I haven't even had a moment to check out the Diamond shipping list for this week, let alone think about what pithy and insightful things to write about in this installment of Waiting for.
Eh. I'm sure I'll think of something so long as I keep typing.
It's certainly been a comics-centric week for me, that's for sure. And by all accounts, it appears that it will continue to be comics-tastic through the weekend.
As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I recently had the chance to sit down and read a big chunk of my comics pile. What's more, I actually managed to get pretty far along and to make a dent in the stack.
Lately, my idea of a "new" comic is one that shipped two months ago. If I can manage to read a mini-series or story arc before the hardcover comes out, then I'm about as up to date as I'll ever be. Which I don't mind on the surface, because I like having a few issues stockpiled so I can sit down and get more out of a story.
What I do mind, though, is the fact that the Internet is like a minefield of spoilers, and trying to be surprised by a "new" book has become pretty impossible. And it's not just the Internet--because I can stay off that for weeks, if I have to. In comics shops over the last few months, I've pretty much covered my ears to all shop talk in a weak effort to avoid having a book spoiled.
Because, let's face it--comics fans love nothing more than to talk about the latest happenings in their medium of choice. And why shouldn't they/we, right?
But I've come to the conclusion that it's pretty impossible in comics to not have the outcome of a book be ruined if you don't read the book for a day or two, let along three months. So, to rectify the fact that I had the ending of Blackest Night spoiled during a "spoilers-free" discussion of the last issue on a podcast...I've decided to read my books when I get them. Like, that same night.
Shocking, I know.
I have never in my comics life read my new stack of books on the Wednesday they came out. Instead, I've always waited until the weekend, or until a vacation, or, as I've done recently, until right around the time that the trade ships.
But I think I'm missing that element of fun that comes with being legitimately surprised by a big event in a comic, so from now on, I'm reading the "big" books on the Wednesday that I buy them. I'll save my indy titles for the weekend, but books like Brightest Day and Siege will be read about an hour after I purchase them.
We'll see how that goes.
Of course, I should probably read issue three of Siege before I start doing any of that...
Right. So. To this week's comics, then. And what a crop of comics we have. Actually, I'm lying. I have no idea what books are coming out today, because I still haven't gone to the Diamond Web site to check. I've been busy padding this column--er, I mean, writing this column with love and affection.
Hang on a sec. And enjoy some tunes while I'm gone...
Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, any size. Catches thieves, just like flies. Look out, here comes the Spider-
Okay, I'm back, and I've checked out the list.
Like I said, lots of good stuff today, and we'll start with issue two of a new series that I mentioned last month. From Dark Horse, The Guild, issue two, ships today, and after reading the first issue, I'm definitely going to be on board for this book.

I know we have readers (and, uh, Nathaniel) who are into gaming, so I wanted to be sure to mention this book again, because I think it might be a great way to introduce that gamer in your life to monthly comic books.
I want to explain what the book is about...but I'm tired, and besides, Dark Horse does it better. Here's the description for the issue:
Felicia Day (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog)'s hysterical extension of her multiple award-winning web series continues with this brand-new story!
Since discovering role-playing games, Cyd Sherman spends more and more time in-game as the healer Codex. As her boyfriend ignores her in favor of his fledgling band and her therapist questions whether or not she has "real" friends, Cyd decides to form her own group within the game after meeting Clara, who teaches her about reputation points, and Zaboo, who introduces her to "friending" within the game.
Detailing the never-before-told origin of The Knights of Good, this is essential reading for fans of the show, and a great jumping-on point for readers new to The Guild. And don't miss season three of the show at watchtheguild.com!
* Named "One of the Net's Best Serial Shows" by Rolling Stone!
So if it sounds like something you (or someone you know) might be into, be sure to check it out.
Next up, we have a new ongoing from Top Cow. I haven't shown Top Cow much love lately, mostly because I haven't been reading their books. Don't get me wrong, I used to read their titles--The Darkness and Witchblade, mostly--and I enjoyed them.
Especially when writer Ron Marz took over Witchblade several years back, their titles were really firing on all cylinders. But then they had a big cross-over thing and I lost my job and I decided to drop pretty much everything in their line.
Fickle, I know.
But there was always this ancillary character called the Magdalena--a church sanctioned assassin--who stole whatever issue she showed up in. More than the typical "bad girl" character that unfortunately permeated Top Cow's books for a long while, Magdalena was an interesting and tragic character.
Even though she fights for the church, she questions the church's motives and she finds herself in a series of moral dilemmas. She fights all kinds of supernatural baddies, and she travels to creepy, atmospheric locales like Prague and the sewers of Paris in search of vampires and cult leaders and agents of evil.
And now Top Cow has handed the reigns of the character over to their main man, Ron Marz, and the Magdalena is now the leading lady in her own on-going title.

Here's the blurb from the Cow:
The star of the forthcoming feature film gets her own series! The Magdalena has been the official protector and warrior of the Catholic Church for over two thousand years, sworn to defend the Faith with the Spear of Destiny against all manner of supernatural threats.
However, Patience, the latest Magdalena, has seen through the hypocrisy of her masters and struck out on her own. When her old mentor comes to her with a mission to prevent Armageddon, will she be able to resist the call?
Sounds good, and I'll give the first issue a try, at least. Marz has a good track record, and he has turned the Top Cow line around nicely.
Finally today, we have a relaunch from DC. The Spirit series starts up again with a new number one issue today, and it's written by Mark Schultz and with a co-feature by none other than Denny O'Neil and Bill Sienkiewicz.

I'm looking forward to this new book, and I'm really looking forward to the Denny O'Neil co-feature. Sure, I'm biased on the matter, but it can't be argued that Denny is one of the greatest writers in the history of comics. And c'mon--it's Denny O'Neil and the Spirit!
Here's the blurb from the publisher:
The Spirit returns in an all-new ongoing series! Central City destroys everyone who lives within its borders...so it's a good thing The Spirit already died once!
International crime syndicate The Golden Tree wants to help Central City's Octopus consolidate control over the underworld and the Spirit is the kind of mess the Golden Tree was created to clean up. They've offered the Octopus the services of one of their finest assassins to take his breath away for good – and the sight of this killer would get anyone's heart pounding!
This issue also features the debut of the eight-page THE SPIRIT: BLACK and WHITE co-feature, showcasing the industry's finest talent. And who better to kick things off than DENNIS O'NEIL and BILL SIENKIEWICZ?
So, yeah. Lots of good stuff this week. Have fun out there, everyone, and before you head to the shop today...what are you Waiting for?
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