Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Month in Review: March 2010

The fact that this is a Month in Review post instead of the lengthy PAX East recap I promised you should be an indication of how busy March was for Alex and me. Significant changes in employment status, power outages, and an increase in the number of time-sensitive side projects led us both to have far less free time than usual. This gave rise to several filler posts, but what we did write was sincere and cathartic... and we did manage to bring forth a few meaty posts that we're both very pleased with.

Go ahead and flip through our March catalogue:

- A celebration of us having written 500 posts

- Our weekly comics news and discussion feature, Waiting for Wednesday, volume two, issues nine, ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen

- A recap of all the funny videogame articles I wrote for GameCola in February

- A frustrated rant about being angry


- Stories about... drinking coffee?

- A filler post about how the post isn't a filler post

- A reflection on comic book creators' rights

- An explanation of how Mega Man has utterly taken over my life

- Thoughts about DC's huge comics event, Blackest Night

- Rumination on fandoms that get cut short or go on way too long

- Random geek news concerning Chuck Norris and Donkey Kong

- A tale of some hilarious mishaps with YouTube's Transcribe Audio feature

- The only review of Mega Man 10 you will ever need to read

- Alex gets the flooded basement blues, and then he gets his power back

- Musings on discovering a previously unknown installment of something you love

- A quick link to iFanboy, a comics news and discussion site

- A poignant reflection on losing something you've taken for granted

- An opinion post about regulating unhealthy foods

- Serious technical issues with running Mega Man 10 on an emulator, and the subsequent insanity

- A vision of Alex's ideal comics shop

- A quick link to pretty retro console pics

- A discussion of the advent of convention season

- The coolest picture on the Internet?

- A tribute to the late comics editor/artist Dick Giordano

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