Friday, October 2, 2009

Month in Review: September 2009

September featured some of the strongest reviews, introductions, and philosophical posts we've written this year. The topics were diverse and unfathomably topical--never before have we written about so many current events and fandoms that were popular at the time we wrote the posts, rather than, say, two decades ago. Perhaps as a result, our feed reader count reached an all-time high of 44 and stabilized in the low 30s, an increase over the mid-20s that we've grown to cherish. Ah, fame.

Hey, maybe we're the only ones who felt like anything was any different than usual in September. We'll let you decide for yourself:

- Our weekly comics news feature, Waiting for Wednesday, issues twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, and thirty-one, plus a related post about how singer Lisa Loeb wrote a song for our blog (or not)

- An edition of Waiting for Wednesday written by me, which explains why I don't actually wait for Wednesday's new comics

- Alex's take on Disney's acquisition of Marvel

- An introduction to Saint Petersburg, a card-driven board game where players build a city on a budget of nearly nothing

- An introduction to Life in a Game, a series of funny videos about a guy who is literally living in a video game

- An introduction to the films of Kevin Smith, especially the movie Clerks

- A review of Lords of Swords, a compilation of short sword-and-sorcery stories

- Alex's tale of pity and woe concerning losing his job

- A celebration of our blog reaching 9,000 hits

- An introduction to often-hilarious literal music videos

- A review of The Comedians of Comedy, a film that spotlights four famous comedians

- An introduction to The Backloggery, a website where you can keep track of all the video games you've ever played and completed

- The story of Alex's first time playing Dungeons & Dragons

- An introduction to Monkey Island, a series of humorous, pirate-themed adventure games

- A quick update about the status of Alex's creator-owned comic project

- A meditation on whether or not the accumulation of stuff is a bad thing

- Thoughts about excessive dialogue and universe-spanning events in comics

- A discussion of how modern movies and video games are much harder to outright love or hate than older movies and video games

- A random, rambling post about anything and everything, which is rather long considering Alex had absolutely nothing to write about, and another such post where Alex actually does have something to write about (his aforementioned comic)

- A review of the surprisingly believable sci-fi film District 9

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