Saturday, August 1, 2009

Star Trekkin'...

By the time you read this, I should already be in the 24th century.

Star Trek, all four decades of it, is traveling around the United States in the form of Star Trek: The Exhibition, which is the largest collection of Star Trek stuff ever put on display in public.





Small children with pointy plastic Spock ears.

...This is going to be the coolest thing I do all year. And you can believe me; I'm the guy who dressed up as Mega Man for Halloween with an empty Pringles can for an arm cannon--I know cool.

Star Trek: The Exhibition entranceStar Trek: The Exhibition is currently at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, PA. You can find out everything you need to know on Star Trek: The Exhibition's official site, where you can also drool over the photos of the wonderous things in store for you.

Expect a full recap some time this week. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to brush up on my conversational Klingon. Now, lojmIt yIpoSmoH! naDevvo' yIghoS!

...Or something like that.

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