We have two titles up for your (potential) buying pleasure, but as you'll see, I think both will certainly be worth your hard-earned pay.
First up is House of Mystery, issue 13 from Vertigo. I have been a vocal advocate of this book from its start, and I honestly believe that any true horror fan out there needs to be reading this title. Yes, it is that good. Oh, and a guy named NEAL ADAMS is providing the art for this week's issue. So, yeah, there's also that!
Here's Vertigo's description of the week's issue:
For its landmark 13th issue, HOUSE OF MYSTERY presents a special anthology featuring four separate stories written by Matthew Sturges, Bill Willingham and novelist Chris Roberson. This issue features the unique visuals of four artists including Neal Adams, Ralph Reese and Sergio Aragones, as well as a painted tale by Eric Powell (The Goon). Each story pays homage to that unluckiest of numbers...
C'mon, that sounds pretty cool, wouldn't you--wait...did that say Eric Powell? Like, creator of The Goon, Eric Powell? Oh, man, I honestly didn't know he'd be contributing to this book until I copied and pasted that blurb from DC's Web site. I swear.
Man, these Waiting for thingies are awesome...
Anyway, here's the cover:

Next up we have another Vertigo book, this one a first issue of a new series entitled The Unwritten. Because it's a new book, I don't know much about it other than what I've seen in the comics press and in Previews. But it's written by an old favorite of mine, Mike Carey, who is one of the best pound-for-pound comics writers of the day.
DC's promoting this bad boy pretty heavily (it even graced the cover of Previews a few months back) and to sweeten the pot, they have offered this book at $1.00. And it's 40 pages. Yep, a 40 page comic for a buck. It's like 1970 all over again! (I think...)
Anyway, here's the (lengthy) solicitation info from Vertigo:
Everyone's read the Tommy Taylor books, the popular series of novels turned pop culture phenomenon about a boy wizard's adventures. And everyone knows about Tom Taylor, the boy the novels were based on, whose life was so overshadowed by his Dad's fictional epic that Tom's become a lame Z-level celebrity at best and a human viral marketing tool at worst.
But what if the resemblance goes even deeper? What if Tom is the boy-wizard of the books made flesh? And if that sounds crazy, why is it bringing him into the crosshairs of an ancient faction that has never been named in any book or text?
To discover the truth about himself, Tom must search through all the places in history where fiction and reality have intersected. And in the process, he'll learn more about that unwritten cabal and the plot they're at the center of –– a plot that spans all of literature from the first clay tablets to the gothic castles where Frankenstein was conceived to the self-adjusting stories of the internet.
A conspiracy mystery a la The Da Vinci Code, THE UNWRITTEN is the eagerly anticipated reunion of Mike Carey (X-Men, HELLBLAZER) and Peter Gross (FABLES, Chosen) – the team behind the multiple Eisner-nominated LUCIFER. Acclaimed artist Yuko Shimizu (SANDMAN: DREAM HUNTERS) joins the duo on covers, and the series kicks off with a 4-issue opening storyarc with the extra-sized 40-page debut promo-priced at only $1.00!
And here's the beautiful cover for issue one:

Yay for me.
Anyway, what are you Waiting for?
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