Friday, May 29, 2009

Odds and Ends

Some Friday morning linkage is in order, I'd say, especially after I read this over at Comic Book Resources.

A Die Hard comics series? Awesome. Chronicling John McClane's "Year One"? Awesome-er. Written by Howard Chaykin? Oh, man.

I, like many in my particular demographic, feel that the original Die Hard is one of--if not the--greatest action flicks of all time. And a comic series about the man himself? Please. I am so there. BOOM! Studios will be publishing the title, and it looks like it'll be out in stores sometime in August.

--Moving on, we have some expected news from the San Diego Comic Con. All four days of the show are completely and officially sold out. Now, while it's true that this happens every year, it's startling how early the show sold out this time around. Some sites are reporting that the Big Con sold out one week before the event last year.

Recession? What recession?

Anyway, I will one summer make the trek out to the Motherland. Just not this summer. And probably not next summer. Or the one after that.

--Next, I found this while scouring the Internet, not doing work. It's a bit of a tricky situation, and I'm sure most comics fans are aware of it. [Nathaniel's note: It's news pertaining to a court case concerning "obscene visual representations," in case you were wondering.] Read this, over at The Beat, then read this, over at the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. [Nathaniel's other note: No, you cant read them anymore. Those links are broken. Now you have no idea what we're talking about.]

I've followed this case, and I agree with the stance taken by the CBLDF--this is a slippery slope, and in order to protect free speech, you need to protect it in all cases. [See what I mean?]

--Today is the start of BookExpo America. Yours Truly will (hopefully) be there, peddling his wares. (More on that Monday.)

--And, finally today, a reminder about the Josh Medors original art auction, which ends today. As mentioned previously on this blog, comic artist Josh Medors is battling a terminal form of cancer, and is seeking alternative treatment methods. The benefits from this auction will go towards helping Mr. Medors out on that front.

You can check the auction out right here. Some amazing artists have provided art for the auction, and prices range from very high to unbelievably reasonable.

That's all for today. Happy Friday, everyone, and enjoy the weekend!

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