Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Month in Review: January 2009

January was a month of prosperous blogging, with more posts relevant to current events than usual. Also, we established that--barring an alien invasion or other radical event, such as me shaving--we'll take each Sunday as a blogging holiday.

I'm rather pleased with a lot of the content we produced, so here's all the important stuff we think you ought to have read:

- Our New Year's Geek Resolutions

- A review of The Punisher: In the Beginning, which puts the "graphic" back into "graphic novel"

- Alex's short post about... well, you'll see

- My review of the NES fantasy game Legacy of the Wizard

- An introduction to the humorous video game review website GameCola.net, for which I am a staff writer

- News about music download site Galbadia Hotel's financial trouble

- An introduction to Order of the Griffin, an online griffin-breeding simulator

- An introduction to collecting original comics art

- Thoughts on waiting for trade paperbacks instead of buying single issues

- Opinions on Nintendo's proposed "kind code" that, in some cases, would make video games play themselves

- The obligatory post about the famous Obama/Spider-Man crossover issue

- A reflection on the death of actor Ricardo Montalban

- A shout-out to a comics-related podcast called Word Balloons

- A conversation with Abe Lincoln in which he reveals himself to be Spider-Man

- An introduction to Flight of the Conchords, New Zealand's fourth most popular folk parody duo

- An introduction to CommentLuv, a blog utility that provides free blog advertising for both bloggers and readers

- Our coverage of the 2009 Election for Real President

- A review of the Mickey Rourke movie The Wrestler

- A hodgepodge and a smattering of random dorky news and links

- An introduction to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, a a supervillain tragicomedy musical

- An introduction to Newgrounds.com, a site that features just about anything you could possibly create using Flash

- A reflection of the deteriorating economic state of print media, specifically comics

- An introduction to Space Quest, a comedic adventure game series

- The amusing results of searching for my name using Google

- A public service announcement concerning fatigue from big comics events

- A celebration of our blog reaching 3000 hits

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