Thursday, January 22, 2009

These and Those

A hodgepodge of random dorky goodness today. (And, in case you're wondering, that's only the fourth time in my life I've ever typed the word "hodgepodge"). Anywho, on to it then.

-First up, I'd like to mention an interview that our buddy Kevin did over on Comics Bulletin with Marvel writer Mike Benson. You can check the interview out right here. Benson is the current writer on Moon Knight, which is a book I follow regularly and is consistently a great read.

-Next, it's Iron Man vs. the Joker! Well, OK, not really, but Robert Downey, Jr. and the late Heath ledger are both up for Best Supporting Actor, as the 2009 Oscar nominations were announced today. Downey is up for his role in Tropic Thunder, and Ledger, of course, is up for his darkly brilliant turn as the Joker in The Dark Knight.

Mickey Rourke attempts to make the ultimate comeback, as he's up for Best Actor thanks to a stellar performance in The Wrestler. You can check out the entire list right here.

-The film adaptation of Neil Gaiman's young adult novel Coraline opens in theaters on February 6, and you can check out trailers, and other things, here. I read Coraline about a year ago, and I found myself thinking, "kids find this fun and adventurous?" Because I found it to be plain, old creepy. But a great read, and I have high hopes for the film.

-Our buddy Gary pointed out some YouTube videos of a low budget, 1990s Canadian Public Broadcasting television show called Prisoners of Gravity. The show was a much-loved speculative fiction discussion and interview program, and it continues to have a fan base today.

Go to YouTube, and search for "Prisoners of Gravity," and you'll find a ton of shows, included among them an interview with Alan Moore!

Well, that's all I've got for today. We'll be back tomorrow with something of greater substance.

I promise.

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