Friday, November 21, 2008

And It's For a Good Cause

For those who might be interested in such things, there is a very cool auction currently taking place on eBay, run by the CBLDF. There are some great items up for sale (many having to do with Neil Gaiman's Sandman series), and, as the title to this post insinuates, the proceeds go to a great, great cause.

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, or CBLDF, is an organization devoted to protecting the First Amendment rights of comics creators and retailers.

The Fund pays legal fees for writers, artists, and retailers who are being unfairly prosecuted because of the content of their comic books. Or, in the (frightening) case of several retailers over the years, for the selling of "questionable content."

Whatever that means.

Over the years, the CBLDF has done great work in the fight against censorship. High profile creators like Neil Gaiman, Dave Sim, and Frank Miller are great advocates of the organization and have worked on its behalf.

If you've been to conventions over the past several years, you've undoubtedly seen the CBLDF booth, with items from many different creators available for sale--all proceeds going to the Fund, of course. I always make an effort to stop by the booth at a show, and even if I don't buy anything, I make sure to leave a donation.

In any case, the auction closes in a couple of days, and who knows? You might find something interesting up for sale. And, remember:

It's for a good cause!

Enjoy the weekend, everyone.

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